Mother’s rings are an awesome gift that you can give to one of the most significant women in your life. They’re an extraordinary way to let your mother know how much you love her. Mothers rings have different varieties including birthstone rings, name rings, as well as rings that represent the family.
So, how did it all started? You might think that the history of mothers rings started way back several centuries ago. However, this is not the case since it just started in 1959 and was first introduced by John C Nordt Jewelry Company. In those days, it comes as two wedding rings set up together by the children of a couple. It can be given as a gift to your own mother or wife. Over the years, it has significantly changed. The rings that are being sold right now are the ones that are currently prominent. But still, they are given by the kids or the spouse.
Unique Mother’s Rings with Stones

What Are Mothers Rings?
Mother’s rings are a monumental type of jewelry. It is a special gift being given to moms and grandmas. Most frequently, it is used to symbolize one’s family regardless if they are living or dead. It will incorporate the kid’s or grandchildren’s birthstones. You can also choose to include or exclude their engraved names on the ring. Typically the birthstones of all the children are incorporated into the ring. The birthstones will greatly depend on the birth month of the youngster. The shape can vary from a square, oval or round. It can be either created in sterling silver, platinum or gold. The cost will also depend on the type of metal being utilized.

So, how can you tell if it’s real or not? This is a major issue in this market. Some organizations are proclaiming that their birthstones are genuine, but actually, they are fabricated. If the price of the ring is truly modest then it could mean a lot of things. Perhaps it’s not actually solid gold or platinum. It might just be plated or silver. Maybe they are not utilizing real birthstones. It could also mean that the birthstones that they use are made of poor quality. Rings that are made of solid gold or platinum are considerably heavier. Likewise, make sure that it is made of the highest quality and the gemstones are genuine. This implies that it will be more costly, however, you will be getting an amazing ring that can last a lot longer.
What finger should you put your mother’s ring on? To start with, it must be worn alone on the finger. This means that it must not be beside other rings. Typically, it is worn on the ring finger either on the left or right hand. While others pick specific styles like thumb rings, however, it’s exceptionally uncommon. Another option is to wear it on the finger beside your wedding ring finger, however, this is not actually common.
Design Your Own Mothers Rings
So, whose gemstones should you put on mothers’ rings? Most individuals never recognize what or whose birthstones or gemstones to place on them. It’s actually a huge debate. Would it be a good idea to place your kid’s, parent’s or grandparent’s birthstones? Should you also include the birthstones of your stepsisters, stepmothers or close relatives? Actually, we can divide it into 2 individual categories: the mother’s rings and family rings.
Mothers rings are the most popular kind of ring. In most cases, it will only include the kids’ birthstones. Some individuals prefer to sort these birthstones according to age, color, or gender. Keep in mind that you can do whatever you want. There is nothing wrong or right with these. Most moms choose to utilize only one birthstone if both of her kids have a similar birth month, while others prefer to utilize matching gems.
Is it ok to add another gemstone to mothers’ rings? Let’s assume that you have a ring and it contains the birthstones of your two children. After a year, you have another kid! So, what will happen to your mom’s ring! Well, you can have a few alternatives. If you have a stackable style mounting then you can simply keep on adding an ever-increasing number of rings when you require them. However, you can’t obtain the best styles for this alternative. Nevertheless, it enables you to effectively include more birthstones in case you require them. There are also designs that permit you to add more birthstones. However, you will truly be restricted to this option. Keep in mind that not too many rings permit more birthstones. Some do, however.

What if you only have one kid, what’s the best mother’s ring for you? Most people do not prefer to buy a ring with a solitary birthstone. This is because it would only look like a typical birthstone ring. So, what is the best solution for this? Well, you can have two options. First, you can include the mother’s birthstone in the ring. Another option is to include both the mother’s and father’s birthstones on the outer part of the ring while the kid’s birthstone is placed on the inner part. In this way, it will truly symbolize the whole family!
Family rings are completely the same as mothers rings. The main distinction is their names. These types of rings are generally purchased by moms. Also, it incorporates more birthstones from family members. Some may even incorporate the birthstones of their mother and father together with their kids. This is why it is named as a family ring.
Others also want to expand the ring to incorporate the birthstones of their grandparents, aunts, uncles, stepsisters, as well as their nanny’s. There truly are No Limits on how many people you can incorporate. The fact of the matter is, it’s your own special ring. Therefore, you can do whatever you want with it and incorporate whoever you pick.
Adding Stones to your Mother’s Rings
Take into account that the more birthstones or gemstones you add, the more costly the ring will be. What’s more, it’s maintenance and repairs will likewise increase the mother’s ring prices later on. You will likely pay more for its prong tightenings, polishings, or re-tipping. Keep in mind that the more stones you put into the ring, the more prongs you’ll require which could get a snag, caught, wear down and break off. You should also consider the fact that rings with lots of prongs and stones may look too flashy and bewitching and may not match with your other jewelry.
Regardless of what mothers ring you choose, always ensure that you likewise buy a service plan, in case if there is any or some sort of warranty on the ring. In this way, you won’t pay for the repairs or you’ll only pay a minimum charge. Rings such as these require these sorts of plans. Keep this in mind and you’ll be glad that you purchase one.
Mother’s Ring FAQ
We have compiled a list of some commonly asked questions regarding mother’s rings. We hope it will help you to make the most informed buying decision.
What finger do you wear a mother’s ring on?
How many stones are in a mother’s ring?
Is a mother’s birthstone included in a mother’s ring?
Buying your Mother’s Ring
It’s always best to keep it simple! Remember less is better! Always keep your mothers rings tidy and it will typically look more elegant. You can never go wrong with it. Mothers rings and family rings come in different styles, shapes, and metals. You can even engrave the name of your kids on it. What’s more, the best sort of gems to utilize are the genuine ones. They look great and provide you with the most sparkle!
Regardless of what you utilize or what you want to put into it do it and enjoy it. Wear it and display it wherever you go! Regardless of whether it will be only your children’s stones or the whole family tree, always remember that there are certainly no rules. Show your creativity! The best time to give mothers rings is during Mother’s Day!

Hey lovely readers! My name is Chantal and I am obsessed with everything accessory and jewelry. My husband (and best friend) John and I, have been writing content for this blog for over 4 years now started the RTP store with over 4000 curated accessories and jewelry. We are traveling around the world to find the latest products, negotiate the best prices and find the best quality for our readers. We have managed to make our passion for feeling and looking good into our work. We are always open to new product suggestion, improvements or feedback. If you would like to chitchat with me, email me here!